who we work with

we work with mineral Exploration companies including these clients

northern-superior-resources.jpgNorthern Superior Resources 

Northern Superior is a junior exploration company exploring for gold in the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, specifically in the Provinces of Québec and Ontario in the Chibougamau- Chapais and Stull- Wunnumin gold districts respectively.


santana-logo-new.pngSanatana Resources Inc. 

Sanatana Resources Inc., based in Vancouver, is a mineral exploration and development company. With an experienced management team and board of directors, the Company has the ability required to identify, develop and fund economic mineral properties. 


red-pine.jpgRed Pine Exploration Inc. 

Red Pine Exploration is a Canadian base company primarily involved in the identification, acquisition and development of properties In Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Led by an experienced management and technical team, the Company’s strategy is to aggressively advance these projects to maximize shareholder value through data compilation, acquisition and interpretation of highly prospective properties for precious and base metals.


royal-road-new.pngRoyal Road Minerals 

Royal Road Minerals Ltd engaged in exploration, acquisition and development of gold and copper projects. Royal Road’s team has a history of discovery and a track record of building well-financed, successful Gold exploration companies. They are located in St Helier, Jersey.



Copper Lake Resources Ltd.

Copper Lake Resources is a junior exploration company exploring for copper, zinc and nickel base metals with significant precious metal credits in Northwestern Ontario.



Argo Gold Logo Argo Gold Inc.

Argo Gold is a Canadian company focused on gold exploration projects in central and northwestern Ontario. Argo is listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the ticker ARQ.



Dominion DiamondsDominion Diamonds

Dominion Diamond Mines is a Canadian diamond mining company with ownership interests in two major producing diamond mines situated approximately 200 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The Company operates the Ekati Diamond Mine (in which it owns a controlling interest), and also owns 40% of the Diavik Diamond Mine. It supplies rough diamonds to the global market through its sorting and selling operations in Canada, Belgium and India and is Canada’s largest independent diamond producer.