Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience attended the AME Roundup in January. It was held in the west wing of the Vancouver Convention Centre, and although not under the beautiful sails like in previous years, the change in location was convenient due to the proximity of the Cambridge House Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. Delegates were happy for the convenience to attend events at both conferences with relative ease.
We had the opportunity to catch up with clients, take in some interesting talks and touch base with service providers. We particularly enjoyed the core shack area -- like in previous years, some of the most exciting drill core intersections were on display.
Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience was pleased to invite our clients to a Client Appreciation Reception. Many of our clients were able to join us for a glass of wine and some hors d’oeuvres in a relaxed atmosphere after a hectic day at the conference.
We thought the atmosphere at Roundup 2018 was very positive; we are optimistic about our industry in 2018. See you all at PDAC in March.